Voters: Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know…

  • Voting is open YEAR-ROUND – vote when it’s convenient for you, and when you experience great service and want to let other locals know where they should go!
  • Each local gets ONE ballot – register to vote here!
  • Every vote is counted – the results in our guide come directly from YOU – the locals!

Today, we’re answering the most-asked questions from our voters, so you’ll know exactly how easy it is to share the love with your favorite businesses!

How do I know my votes were saved?

Once you’re registered, your votes are automatically saved as soon as you type them in. You don’t need to click a “finish” or “submit” button. But, if you want your votes to count and have a chance to win prizes, you must verify your profile. If your profile has not been verified, you will see a verification alert at the top of your profile page!

How come business names pop up when I start typing in the voting section?

The list that pops up are businesses that are already in our system. These aren’t suggestions, and we don’t limit what categories they appear in since many businesses can be eligible in more than one category. The pop up is simply to help make the voting process faster since you can select the business name and not have to type them all in.

What if I want to vote for a business that isn’t in the list that pops up?

Just type it in and tab over to the next category, even if it’s typed in it gets counted. If your business doesn’t come up, click on the “For Business” section of our website and learn how to add your business to our system.

Do I have to vote in every category?

No. We don’t want you to vote in every category. To make our recommendations as good as possible, we only want you to vote in the categories you know. So, how many votes you cast is up to you. The vote will count as long as the business actually fits the category (example: a vote for a gas station would not be counted if it was voted for in the Medical Clinics category).

I don’t have time to finish the voting right now, can I save it and come back later?

Yes! You don’t even have to hit a save button. As long as you’re registered, your votes are saved right after you type them in. When you’re ready to come back & finish, just sign in on our website and continue your voting, your previous responses will be there if you need to change anything.

You can read all of the Frequently Asked Questions on our website!

Have additional questions? We want to make this process as easy as possible for you, so if there is anything else we can help out with, just reach out!

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